Sentry Solutions Tuf-Cloth Resealable Pouch, 12 X 12-inch
Revolutionary protection against rust, friction and wear for knives, firearms and all kinds of sports gear. A superior alternative to oil and silicone rags. Tuf-Cloth provides long lasting, lint free cleaning, lubrication and protection. Sentry uses a mixture of dry film corrosion inhibitors and lubricants to deliver a fast-drying, water-displacing MICRO BONDING CRYSTAL BARRIER. The protection won't wash off, will not attract dirt, or leave a slippery film. Tuf-Cloth out performs the competition thirteen to one in any weather condition. Use on wood, plastics and all types of metal. Excellent for fishing tackle, tools and all outdoor gear. Tuf-Cloths are made of a soft lint free fabric that is very durable. They come in re-sealable zip-lock vapor barrier storage pouches to ensure long life.
(12" x 12"/144 sq. in.)